New Electricity Bill In Nepal Effected From 2077 Asar By Nepal Electricity Authority

Nepal Electricity Authority recently published new rates for electricity bill in Nepal. As new fiscal year 2077/2078 has started, now all electricity bill in Nepal will be calculated according to the new rate effected from 2077 Asar. 

As per this new rate for electricity bill in Nepal, lowest consumers which consumes up to 10 units will got benefited as compared with previous electricity bill rates. The new changes on this new rate is, if household consumers of 5 AMP uses only up to 10 Units, they have to just pay minimum charge Rs. 30 and no any extra energy cost have to pay. As before is 10 units consume they have to pay minimum charge 30 plus 10 units * 3 rs (energy cost rate) = 60 Rs. So, for the lowest electricity consumers, it is good to hear that new electricity bill in Nepal rate has benefited for them. And for others, almost the rates are same as previous.

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Here is the new electricity bill in Nepal Rates and examples how to calculate electricity bill in Nepal.

New Electricity Bill In Nepal Effected From 2077 Asar By Nepal Electricity Authority

|For best understanding how to calculate electricity bill in Nepal, we have a tutorial video on YouTube in which we described very fine with showing the example that you can understand it better. Along with this we also learn to create Electricity Bill Calculator in MS Excel that  anyone just giving the previous and current meter reading and our excel Electricity Bill Calculator will automatically calculates the amount to be pay for all capacities like: 5 AMP 15 AMP 30 AMP and 60 AMP in just one click.

So to learn how to create this Electricity Bill Calculator of Nepal in Excel with new rates. Here is the step by step very easy well explained video: How Electricity Bill Calculates

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